Graduated from the Khabarovsk State Pedagogical Institute (Fine Arts Department), Moscow Higher Institute of
Arts and Industry (former Stroganovsky), Moscow StatePedagogicalUniversity (PhDpost-graduate studies).
PhDin Theory of Fine Arts Education,
Head of Fine ArtsDepartment ofthe Far Eastern StateHumanitarianUniversity.Honored Employee ofUniversity
20 Solo exhibitions (6 of them in Moscow; 10 in Khabarovsk; several in Southern Korea (Soul, Gongju, Daejeon).
ParticipatedincollectiveexhibitionsinGermany (Augsburg),China(Dsiling)andothers.Takespartinlocal, regional,
national and international art exhibitions. Author of more than 50 research publications.
Present: Professor,Khabarovsk StatePedagogical Institute (Fine ArtsDepartment)